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/ GeoSafari History (Platinum Edition) / GeoSafari History Platinum Edition (EI-9007 Version 3.0)(Educational Insights)(2000).iso / pc / Movies / QI030000.MOV < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1996-08-07  |  241KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert Apple QuickTime movie (mov) magic
90% dexvert Apple QuickTime Audio (quickTimeAudio) magic
1% dexvert Knowledge Adventure MoVie (knowledgeAdventureMovie) ext
100% file Apple QuickTime movie (unoptimized) default
99% file data default
74% TrID QuickTime Movie (old) default
25% TrID Adobe PhotoShop Brush default